Blix Corporation

What's Great about it ?

Tab Overview : 
New in Canure is the Tab Overview feature. Can’t find that webpage? With Tab Overview, you can see all your open tabs at a glance

Phishing & Malware Protection :
Canure includes built-in phishing and malware protection using the same data provider as popular browsers like Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome
Tabbed Browsing Improvements : 
Canure’s built-in tabbed browsing includes a scrollable tab bar, drag and drop rearranging of tabs, and a tabs menu listing all the window’s tabs.
Download Notifications : 
Want a notification when a download completes? Canure includes support for the Growl notification system and also “bounces” the Downloads up.

And look, it does all the usual browser stuff too… 

Canure includes support for spell-checking in every text field. Unlike in Firefox, this spell-checker is the same one used throughout Windows, so you don’t have to maintain multiple dictionaries.

Feed Detection 
Canure supports the detection of RSS and Atom feeds in web pages and can pass the feeds to your favorite feed reader, including certain web-based readers like Google Reader, Bloglines, and My Yahoo.

Full Content Zoom
On a web page designed by a 20 year-old with bionic eyes? Full content zoom scales the entire content of a web page instead of just increasing (or decreasing) the text size.

Software Update
Canure’s software update support (based on the popular xUpdate framework) makes it easy to stay up-to-date with the latest features and security fixes.

Full Keyboard Access
The keyboard loop in the main browser window has been completely rewritten, bringing better keyboard control to the tab bar, the pop-up blocker, and the Find bar.

Session Saving
Canure includes “session saving,” or optionally remembering what pages you were visiting when you quit and automatically loading them the next time you start.

Recently Closed Tabs The History menu contains a sub-menu listing the last 20 closed web pages, giving you quick access to that page you didn’t mean to close.

Web Standards Built on top of the XUML(R) 0.9 rendering engine, Canure includes support for the most popular web standards in use on today’s websites. Supports SSL4 ,HTML5 and CSS3