Blix Corporation

Blix Corporation

Blix Corporation is a new to the market company started in January 2010 by two childhood friends, Kshitij Kumar and Suyash Srijan. They both are experts in computer programing. Blix OS was the first software written and programmed by Blix Corp. Now, we develop a large number of softwares and do research to create new software technologies. Kshitij Kumar is a Google Analytics Certified Professional and has expertise in Visual Basic, HTML, C#, C/C++ and PHP whereas Suyash Srijan is a dedicated software programmer with expertise in Visual Basic, C/C++, C#, F#, WPF and CSS3. There are plans to expand the business in future. Blix Corp is headquartered in India and have plans to expand it to other countries in future.

What is Blix?

We’re a global community
of thousands who sincerely believe in the power of technology to enrich people’s lives.

We’re a public benefit organization
not to making money but to improving the way people everywhere experience the computers.

And we’re an open source software project
whose code can be used as a platform for some of the Internet’s and Software's most innovative projects.

The common thread that runs throughout Blix is our belief that, as the most significant social and technological development of our time.
To achieve these goals, we use a highly transparent, extremely collaborative process that brings together thousands of dedicated volunteers around the world with our small staff of employees to coordinate the creation of products like the Blix OS. We are all focused on a single goal: making the Computers better for everyone.